Following the Exam
After you take the exam, it will be scored by the NBCOT. Once the score is released, you can view it in your MyNBCOT account.
If you pass the exam, you will receive:
A congratulatory letter with your overall score.
An official NBCOT certificate and wallet card.
Information about your NBCOT benefits.
You are now an OTR®! A Registered Occupational Therapist! Congratulations! Hard work pays off right?
Now you will have an active NBCOT® certification for 3 years. To keep your certification active, you will need to do the following within the 3 years:
Take 36 professional development units (PDUs)
Fill the renewal application
Pay the renewal fee.
Download the Certification Renewal Application here.
Note: Only some states require you to keep an active NBCOT® certification.
Online Certification Renewal Fee is $65 USD
Paper Certification Renewal Fee is $75 USD
For more information about certification renewal. Click here.
If you do not pass the exam, know that it is okay, you can re-apply and re-take the exam. I am sure you will pass with a really good score!
The NBCOT® will send you a feedback report in your MyNBCOT account that will include the overall score, feedback on your performance, and an explanation for interpreting your score.
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